Click on the "Donate" button to see a master list of FHIF Members for online donation.
VOCF takes no more than 5% management fee from your donation. VOCF, Inc. is a tax deductible 501.c.3 organization in the USA.
VOCF uses common-sense, back to the basics methods that empower local communities from Day One.
A key reason VOCF produces sustainable results is our process. Each step is led by the community itself.
Conversely, conventional processes are typically led by outsiders, even when trying to include the community as a participant.
Our featured course, New Nations, is a training system for personal, community, and national transformation.
Our 4 focus ways to give:
We periodically have special appeals related to global relief or refugee situations.
Click on the donate link at the top or below on this page.
VOCF connects both members and like-minded global people and people via online learning groups.
VOCF aims to multiply ideas that truly work without controlling those who do them.
VOCF members do projects and send people to over 80 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Click on the "Donate" button to see a master list of FHIF Members for online donation.
VOCF takes no more than 5% management fee from your donation. VOCF, Inc. is a tax deductible 501.c.3 organization in the USA.